Thursday, June 21, 2018

June 18th 2018’s Episode

Does anyone know if Michael or someone like him was a recurring character in Sir Arthur Conner Doyle’s work? He might make a good recurring villain. I do feel that they wasted Moriarty in this series. But I have not really done much research into all of the Sherlock Holmes work. Maybe I should.

In case you read my other blogs, know that regardless of if I can go on my vacation this month, the other blogs that are normally updated will be updated as usual. I can schedule them in advance and more than likely will. I won’t be able to do that with this blog, hence the reason why the next episode could be a day later than the usual post or even later than that entirely. But we’ll see if I get the time off at all or if I will have to work anyways.

The first act begins three months after the last episode ended. He is back earlier. He was working on a case that he probably shouldn’t have. Watson wants to adopt the baby of a woman named Kelsey who is over at the house. We then see people at a construction crew and someone is wearing a dunce cap. It appears that a person was buried there. Hey, they finally found Jimmy Hoffa!

The second act has the idea of missing people being a possible problem. Only it doesn’t seem that Michael is responsible. I wonder why adoption is the best option for her having a kid. They could write up a lover for her like the character she plays in a Netflix series. Sherlock is shown the body who was killed before being put in the cement. They visit a person named Levi who might be a suspect in the case or could be a random person. They were using an ocean based thingy at his company. Levi says that he was at a corporate retreat. A man named Troy could be a suspect of some sort.

Marcus is glad that Sherlock is back and looking good. Sherlock looks up more information about the case and finds out information about where Troy lives. They talk to him about the murdered person and he runs away leaving Marcus to chase him. Sherlock and Watson investigate more of the scene and they find an ocean cleaner in a garage and think that the murdered person is a thief.

The third act has Troy being investigated and he reveals more information about stolen craft. We then get back to Kelsey and Watson talking about the baby. We hear more about each other’s personal lives. Kelsey had defended her life as not a slut. Sherlock and Watson then talk more about the case. We then see a video of her at a place she shouldn’t be. People might have been dumping chemicals into the river. Watson talks with a person at a bureaucratic place. A person threatened another person to get a permit and Sherlock thinks that a person was taking sand out of the river and that it endangered a bridge.

The fourth act is when they point out how a bridge is in danger of collapse. The construction site was abandoned. There is apparently a sand mafia. Well, it sounds more believable than an Amish mafia. We then have Sherlock talking with a person related to the sand mafia. Mister sandman, bring me a dream, whatever the rest of the words of the song are. I should look that up and put it in the next post.

Sherlock has an associate named Gay who has helped him. Watson thinks that it is possible that someone wants to bring the bridge down. Sherlock talks to Kelsey about the living arrangements that he has. A suspect was found, only he’s dead. This looks like Levi from earlier.

The fifth act has Sherlock doing his advanced theory as to why Levi didn’t kill the person from earlier. It relates to cows and the Hindu religion. This might not have been related to the sand mafia. Who is this person that they are talking too now? Is this Levi and the next dead person someone else? All I know is that he talked to Watson earlier about being held at gunpoint, a claim Watson found fishy earlier. It seemed that he made it up and he is the person who killed the main person. Kelsey wants to keep the baby she is pregnant with. I don’t think that I understand all of this. She wants to do everything that she wants to do and be a mother too. Watson then watches a sad movie. It’s happy for deep people.

On the next Elementary, Watson is woken up with no theatrics and the problem seems to relate to rats in some sort of way. But will these people wind up being partly controlled by the rats in order to cook amazing food? I guess that we will find out later what will happen. I don’t know when the next post of this blog will be, but this should be the only time you have to worry about it this summer. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

Thursday, June 14, 2018

June 11th 2018’s Episode

I have some good news for you. I should be able to live watch any episode of this show for the near future. The Crossing is over. I don’t know why they aired the last of it on Saturday or why they promoted it as the season finale when we all know that it is cancelled. I have no idea just how late this show will air this season. It could be occupying a long summer slot.

SPOILER! Actually, I’m not talking about the show here. But I wanted to keep this separate from the rest of this post as I’m talking about politics for a bit. If you read my Madam Secretary blog, then you would know why I’d want to keep you updated on the governor election of Iowa. Well, I originally wanted Nate Boulton to win, but he dropped out. I then wanted Ross Wilburn to win. Ultimately, the winner of the Democratic primary was Fred Hubbell. The Republican primary was as simple as the incumbent winning as she had no challenges. As for the Libertarian primary, the person I wanted to win it, Jack Porter, did end up winning it. I’d have to see more of who these people are before I wonder who should win the main election. I might not care enough either way who wins. END SPOILER.

I might be going on vacation later this month if I’m able to get the time off of work in order to do so. If it happens like I want it to, then I don’t know when I’d be able to update the post as I wouldn’t be able to see the episode in question on time. It would be rude of me to abandon the vacation briefly in order to write a blog post after watching an episode. Of course, I might not get time off of work anyways. I hope to give you a heads up in case this happens.

The first act has the police and team talking about the murdered woman from the last episode. I think that her name is Madie, maybe. Sherlock notices that Madie’s clothes are mismatched. So are mine by intention most days. I like wearing an orange shirt with red shorts. Sherlock thinks that the killer put her in these clothes. To him, it must be a serial killer announcing himself.

The second act has Sherlock noticing that missing women showed up in what Madie was dressed in. They might all be dead. The team looks up cold cases and one that was closed seems to point to the idea that the killer might be the true killer in this case. The falsely convicted person is there and talking to Tommy and Sherlock about what happened. The killer wrote this person a letter. Somehow, this did not reopen the case, but it makes sense as it could have been someone trying to exonerate him falsely. Watson talks to a person about the case. The letter came from Vietnam, supposedly.

The recap before this episode points out that Sherlock needs a vacation to get a cure from his condition. Sherlock continues to work late at night mulling over the case. There is some sort of important info that was revealed, but I missed what it was.

The third act has us going back to Michael. Sherlock is at Michael’s place now. The disappearance is then talked about. This must have been the person Michael was burying in the season premiere. That is my guess into the subject. But it is hard to tell where they are going with it. Sherlock then tells Watson that he knows Michael did the crime. But why would Michael want to do this exactly? And how long will he be part of this season? Hannah, who is the roommate of Madie, is then able to tell more about the whole Michael situation. Sherlock then does a sort of analysis on Michael and serial killers in general. He then explains the whole idea of how he knows that he can prove Michael did it, but not have enough for it to hold up. Sherlock and Watson go on a stakeout of Michael. He shows up after Watson leaves. It seems that Michael ended up kidnapping Sherlock

The fourth act has Sherlock waking up in a hospital. Michael is there to talk to him. Michael wanted to help Sherlock. Michael wanted his killings to help him stay off drugs. He explains some of why he is the way he is in whatever twisted way makes sense to him. They need each other, according to Michael. Watson brings Sherlock back home and scolds him. I don’t remember who Polly is. But that is a slip up of Michael when Polly was being buried.

Sherlock thinks that the dead person is buried in the woods near where they are building houses. They don’t find a real dead body. I don’t get who Michael is just yet, but he is a complex character. Sherlock knows that this wasn’t a slip up but encouragement. While saying that he’ll go home, Sherlock actually goes to a strange club like place with a strange Russian person. I didn’t understand that.

The fifth act shows that they could find nothing from the mannequin. That girl is a real crowd pleaser. Do you get my reference there? Sherlock has heroin that he wants to give Michael. Sherlock doesn’t think that Michael knows sobriety. Michael killed 14 women and Watson is okay with Sherlock taking the drastic members to catch him. Will history repeat itself? Michael calls Sherlock. Michael has left town and is on a bus somewhere. I hope that Clifford Devoe doesn’t give him powers. Michael says that he won’t kill anymore. But we should see him again in the future. Sherlock then takes a break so there might be a time jump in the next episode.

On the next Elementary, it seems like they are doing a strange sort of case. What else is new? I guess that we might be doing a break from the Michael storyline and maybe other storylines too for a while so we can see standalones for a while. I’ll see you back again next week. Hopefully I’ll know soon what will be happening in regards to a possible vacation of mine. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

Thursday, June 7, 2018

June 4th 2018’s Episode

If you are OCD like me, you can be able to keep track of what shows replaced what at what points in time. For instance, when this show was delayed until midseason, it was replaced at first by Wisdom of the Crowd then by Celebrity Big Brother then by Instinct. It turns out that Instinct will be around next season, but it won’t be on for a while. In the fall, it will be replaced by God Friended Me. We’ll see how long that lasts, but I don’t think that it will, even if it is good.

Regarding the Monday schedule, the season finale of iZombie aired and the summer schedule will start with Whose Line is it Anyways? At least there will be something good to watch on at least one of the networks for quite a while on Mondays. Meanwhile, I need to work more on other blogs of mine that need written.

The first act doesn’t have much to it. Tommy meets with some female police detective in his office. Marcus and Watson find a dead body with not much left to him. Sherlock is there and notices that there is a part of his body missing, an artificial part.

The second act has Sherlock sort of conning a woman in order to get more information about the pinky drive. It seems that Japanese culture is important to this episode. Sherlock hires a hacker who appears to be very young. If we’ve seen him before, I don’t remember him. Sherlock and Watson witness what seems to be sumos practicing. They are told to go to a storage place and get arrested when they get there. Was it a bad tip? Or did they know it was illegal and do it anyways?

The third act has Tommy bailing the characters out of the situation. The military people whose base they broke into is wary of Sherlock due to his foreign connections. The pinky drive appears to have a whole bunch of valuable intel on it. Dum, da-da-da-dum! (That is the commercial for Intel, right?) Michael is more of a creep by backing into a car and getting a number to resolve the situation. I hope that his parts of the plot aren’t removed from the rest of it. The woman from the intro might be the daughter of Tommy and is a recovering alcoholic. As for the main story, a man winds up trapped in a boat and we learn that he was another intended victim.

The fourth act has more information on the case revealed. Another person who was kidnapped talks to the people and they learn what they need to. Sherlock wants to let Tommy know that the problems with his daughter is not his fault. The team learns of a horrible smelling thing that burned down the place where the original victim died. We learn of all the valuable information on the pinky drive that would have lead to someone being killed because of it. A woman with the military is accused because she cannot smell anymore, but they can’t get her yet.

The fifth act has the accused giving the pinky drive to one of the Japanese people from earlier and this is how she gets caught and arrested. The still shady Michael is at a place where a woman from earlier winds up finding her roommate dead. We are lead to believe that Michael did this, but whether or not he really did remains to be seen.

On the next Elementary, Sherlock investigates the murder that happened at the end of this episode. It seems to be a serial killer announcing himself. But what all is going on? Michael seems to be evil, but it is hard to tell for sure just yet. Is he going to be a recurring villain? I guess that we will have to wait and see until later to know for sure. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.