Monday, June 14, 2021

Elementary season 4 review

Well, I have less than an hour to write this whole post, but it shouldn’t take me too long. I will have to say that whoever does the Elementary episodes on Wikipedia needs to edit them down to something more manageable in the future that will be easier to read for these posts.

Season 4 overview: The main important part of this season was that Morland was introduced after only being stated that dad never shows by one of his sons, namely Sherlock Holmes. He was part of the main cast as was the only main character introduced in one season outside of the first to appear in others. A lot happened relating to Morland’s organization and the plots generally went various places all at once when this show happened.

How this season was different from others: The main different thing about this was that Morland was now on the show. I was surprised based on all this talk in other seasons that this would be a person that we would see on the show at all in the end.

What made it good: Without a main, centralized plot, the show didn’t have to go any set places as we got to see Morland in a way that made sense and saw other plots throughout the season the I think also worked out pretty well as well.

What made it bad: With too much of this proceeding without much of a point, it was hard to stay a bit focused in the whole season since there wasn’t much of a central focus to it. This might be the only season I can think of (outside of maybe others before it) that just didn’t have as much to it in terms of a long term plan.

More thoughts on it: I think that I missed a lot of this season as it aired which might have cause some issues for me here and there with how it affects me since it could have been a better season in my mind now if I hadn’t missed so much of it then. I did like the twist where it was revealed that Joan Watson has a sister. This was the last season that I didn’t blog any about until now.

That’s it for this blog post and I really shouldn’t have any blogs posted this late in the day ever. I am hoping that I will be able to do another, random post of this blog sometime before the year is over in order to affect this blog in 2023. But other things could benefit it as well. I wouldn’t expect you or anyone other than me to understand my OCD ways. Hopefully no one from the cast will die. Stay tuned for posts of this blog on Mondays for the near future until maybe sometime in 2022. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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