Thursday, November 24, 2016

November 20th 2016’s Episode

I might have started this blog too soon. What do I mean by that? Well, I started it as a result of the time delay being a bit different on one affiliate than it was on the other. I found out later that this just might be a standard difference between the two affiliates. But, I have this blog now and can only hope that the real thing I was waiting for ends up happening at some point in time.

Since I started this blog since it airs after Madam Secretary, you might be wondering if I did that before with any other shows. Well, I have a blog about The Good Wife. Since the show is over, you might be wondering what the purpose of the blog is now. Basically, now I just use it to update the readers about what the cast of the show is doing now.

I do not know how this show would go over with the people I can only best call the Holmes purists. This show has done a lot of changes with the classic stories, notable ones being changing Watson to a woman and combining the characters of Irene Adler and Moriarty. I don’t know that much about classic Holmes, but I might have to change that.

I promise that when this show ends, I will start reading The Hound of the Baskervilles since I have the book and haven’t read it yet (among other books I have). This show may end this season, to be honest, and its timeslot is the worst in all of television. The ratings are doing bad so I don’t have high hopes for it. I would say that it would be bear chow, but TV grim reaper is the main person now who has all the rating info and guesses as to what shows will get cancelled which season. Once I finish reading the book, I will post a review of it in this blog.

Since there are no ABC shows for me to record tonight, I will probably be live watching this for a change and I’ll be able to schedule this post for Thursday. I hope that there’s not a new episode next week since I’d probably wind up missing it without watching it later online. At least I won’t have to worry about watching the episode on time, then I’ll know that I’ll have the blog ready on time. Last week, I wasn’t able to see the episode until the Thursday I posted it here.

Today’s episode is brought to you by 46 minute delay. We begin with Watson and her sister, I believe. She talks about possible gang related activity. We then get to people who are about to jump off a building. As one of them falls, he gets shot. Sherlock and Marcus (the black guy) are there at the crime scene investigating the murder. Sherlock notices that the parachute was doomed to fail. Why would two different people want to kill him? He was murdered twice, like the dead guy in Godsford Park, a movie with a similar premise that I do not recommend.

Act two has people talking about the murder to the wife of the victim. She gives details which imply that she was not responsible, although when is the first interrogated suspect ever the killer? A person doesn’t want to be found, but Sherlock thinks that he will be soon. They talk to suspect number two. He explains why he was hiding; he thought that the killer was coming after him too. Suspect number three, the woman suspect number two thinks would be after him, is talked to and she explains why she didn’t do it either. The killer had a regret and Sherlock seeks to find what it is. When he and Watson learn of a scam that the victim was in on, they look into who else knew about it.

Act three is when they talk to someone about the missing money scam or whatever. Will this ruffle feathers or rustle feathers? Watson talks to someone about the case, I think, but he claims that, as usual, the victim had something to hide. I’ve already lost track on what number suspect we are on. Sorry about that. The victim had a loan that he gave to someone or the other way around. I’m losing track of the show, but recording this has its own problems as well.

Sherlock finds a cargo hold and learns that they were smuggling illegal immigrants. Someone tell Trump that this (well, maybe not this illegal method) is how 48% of illegals get into this country. Normally, they just overstay visas. They come to visit and never leave. Anyways, an important picture is revealed. Also, when you watch shows, is there an annoying person who talks during it? The person isn’t watching the show, but is trying to talk to you or just to themselves.

Act four has yet another suspect in the case being investigated. The mysterious black guy is brought up again. I forget who he is and don’t think that I saw his introduction to the show. Sherlock plays chess with this guy for some odd reason. There are even more suspects that are brought up on the show. Have we gotten to the double digits yet? A foreigner is the person they are talking to. I do wonder if they could do two separate arrests since the person was murdered twice after all.

I can’t even keep track of all these suspects so I might have to just go back to whoever is charged with the crime. They do find a person who confesses, but he’s not actually the person who did anything wrong. That person is the father of the wife of the victim. The wife then says that he was cheating on her and she tearfully confesses to the sabotaged chute. Sherlock then uses this to go after the possible sniper before he strikes again. How does he do that?

Act five has the foreign people interrogated again. It might have been an honor killing that happened, although I don’t fully understand what that is. It appears that the sniper would go after the mistress as well in addition to the man who cheated. They are able to catch this man, the child of the foreigners. Watson then goes back to talk to someone from earlier that I don’t fully understand. He seems kind of intimidating in a way. I can’t tell if he means to do this or not.

On the next Elementary, a food case is brought up. Someone might have died from food. That person may have also been turned into food. And you thought that horse meat was bad. I don’t think that I’m going to like the next episode. I just hope that I can see it in good time, although I won’t have to by Thursday. Keep in mind that I will be moving this blog to alternating Sundays in the future, although I will putting this back to Thursdays by year’s end. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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