Thursday, September 20, 2018

September 17th 2018’s Episode

There’s not much to mention in the introduction to this post. I don’t think that I’ll wait to save all of what I want to say until the end of this post. I also thought that I could share some videos when the next season starts whenever it does instead of moving them to a different blog. Until then, enjoy this song that claims to be about a horse, but is actually about a donkey.

I had posted a video before from a YouTube channel called CinemaWins. That was inspired by a channel known as CinemaSins. Another channel that it inspired was CinemaSinsSins. They tend to do videos that point out the flaws in the main channel. They also did a video on what was wrong with the video I had shared earlier, so enjoy it if you want to.

Movie update: On Saturday, I watched the movie Déjà Vu. I replaced that with Absolute Power. I then saw another of my home videos. That remains on the list of things to be watched again later. This means that going into the hiatus of this show, the Saturday list is Absolute Power, Finding Nemo, my grade school graduation DVD I am Sam, The Return of Jafar, and Titanic. The Sunday list is Back to the Future Part 3, Celtic Woman: A New Journey, home videos, Indiana Jones (Raiders of the Lost Ark), The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, and The Treasure of the Sierra Madre. From this point forward, if you want to know about the movie updates of what I watch, you’ll have to read my Madam Secretary blog. I plan to move the updates back here when the next season starts.

The first act has Watson in an interrogation room, but not the regular one. A woman talks to Joan about what she could have done. I think that she only injured him, but it is hard to tell for sure. She asks for a lawyer. Are we really led to believe that she might have done this? I still think that Michael might have faked his death and framed his “murder” on Joan. Would the writers really make Joan a killer? I sure hope not, but the NCIS franchise has turned their heroes into one-off villains before. Let’s hope that this show isn’t like that. I like my heroes as always that way.

The second act has Sherlock and Joan talking to a defense attorney. Michael thought that she was his attacker. Well, she fought back when he attacked her. Sherlock asks Joan if she killed Michael. She says that she didn’t, but she seems so emotionless in this episode. Of course, that could just be the usual acting that Lucy Liu does. Tommy knows that Joan didn’t do the crime. Sherlock wants his help, but they don’t know if that will happen or not. Sherlock broke into the morgue and they learn more about what happened. I can’t believe they just put a penis joke into such a serious episode.

The wound that Watson did was stitched up before hospital people got to him. Sherlock goes back to the addicts’ place he goes to and finds the person who stitched him up there. Michael told him that the wound was due to drug dealers. Sherlock wants the person to help him. Sherlock meets Joan at a place where Michael was and make sure that she doesn’t spread DNA there. Sherlock somehow knows that a woman with footprints fitting her size was there. This woman is the real killer, he thinks at least.

The third act has Joan and Sherlock going back to their place and they wonder how she knew where to find Michael. They think that a certain woman investigating the case might have done in. Malick is the person they suspect of the crime. Sherlock gets a person to burn that house down and knew someone who would commit arson personally. Marcus is talking to someone who might be Malick or someone else about the case and she more or less threatens to sever his potential future ties to the Marshalls. I still don’t know what could happen to his character in the future.

Sherlock walks into the place to find sexy music playing with footage of bees. Watson just did this to Sherlock instead of the other way around? They might get the help they need this way. They find a new person to talk to and talk to a person who might have moved his body. He doesn’t think that he could have done it based on evidence and they think someone still might have brought the body here. Tommy seemed to have taken potential evidence they need. Does that mean that he might be the killer? He seems to be the least focused on of the main characters so I’d be more okay if he didn’t return in the future. But I still don’t want him to be the killer.

The fourth act has Tommy coming into his house where he sees Sherlock there and things messed with. Sherlock knows who the real killers are and wonders how Tommy is involved. His daughter is the one who killed Michael. She got a call from someone who owned a bar about what happened. Sherlock does not want Watson to have her reputation be ruined and knows of other flaws as well. Tommy blames this all on Sherlock for letting things get this far. Watson wants to gamble the case although Sherlock tries to talk her out of doing this.

Sherlock talks to Hannah about the case. Will she confess? Watson is then taken into the FBI. Sherlock is the person that tries to take the whole blame of everything on himself. He moved to Britain and they refuse to send him back here. Malick is still convinced that Watson did it, but now won’t be able to do anything due to Sherlock’s confession.

The fifth act has Sherlock at the main place wants to say goodbye to Watson. It has always been in her nature to help people. What is this deal that MI6 owed Sherlock anyways? Sherlock is glad that she was able to help him get out of his addiction trap. He then leaves. We then see him in Britain talking to a person about a potential case. Watson is now next door in London. Are they exactly where they are supposed to be? I guess we'll see next season.

I look forward to seeing the next season. I also wonder if Sherlock will ever go back to America at all. We won’t be seeing Marcus or Tommy again unless there is some sort of change. Maybe next season will have a soft reboot to the storyline and we’ll see other people. But it seems like we’ll probably have to wait for a while. Enjoy and read the rest of this post so you’ll know where to go and other updates about this blog before the hiatus of this blog and the show sets in.

Something that I enjoyed as a kid was Schoolhouse Rock. It’s a shame that so many kids in the future will not know about it. You should be seeing a lot of songs from that show next season. The one that I am sharing now is called Elementary, My Dear.

Last time when this blog took a break, I told you to go to a different blog, my CSI: Cyber blog (which is still updated at least once a month), in order to find out updates about this blog. I am sharing the link to it again so you’ll know where to go and what all to read until the show starts again.

If you are still reading this, you should know that former cast members of this show will be mentioned in the cast updates of this show. I will plan to add Desmond Harrington, who played Michael, to it at one point. Since I won’t know who will be in the cast of this show next season, it is possible that Marcus and Tommy won’t be returning so their actors might be added there as well. I think that I will include the new person in that blog right away at the next update. With John Nobel already there, this might make you wonder what of their projects might be in this blog.

It only makes sense if it will work out that I post various reviews in this blog whenever I can see what I want to and write a review of some sort. You might see it in the other blog as well. Posts in this blog will happen on Thursdays for sure when the show is on hiatus unless it is Advent or Lent when I will have my Survivor blog on Thursdays instead of this blog. The other blog will tell you for sure when this blog will start again and when the show will start again.

This should be all that I need before this closing. I’m glad that they could do a season finale that would also work as a series finale as well. I don’t know if the next season will be the last one or not. I also don’t know if it won’t be on until the next summer or if it will be on sooner than that. You should see updates in the other blog about it until I come here for the new episodes of the season.

Note that any reviews will be in the CSI: Cyber blog if this show is back or it will be delayed until the show or season is over. I can’t really say too much about what’s going on because I won’t know for sure what all will happen. Don’t be surprised if any reviews you see are in another font than this one. I’ll see you in the future if all goes well. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

Thursday, September 13, 2018

September 10th 2018’s Episode

You might want to know some of the things I’ll be doing with this blog once the show is on hiatus this next time. Well, if you read my CSI: Cyber blog which is still updated at least once a month, then you will know for sure when this show will come back. You just might not know when that blog will be updated and neither do that tribe’s readers most times. Until then, enjoy this song about narwhals.

Movie update: With no time for me to watch a movie on Saturday, I wasn’t sure that I would wind up with time to watch something on Sunday, but I did. Celtic Woman’s original concert was watched and I will replace that on the list with Celtic Woman: A New Journey.

There is a relative of mine who sometimes comes a week and lives here while doing other things in the meantime. It can take up a lot of time and I might not be able to watch everything I want to. This could affect my blogs. I am going to copy this message in other blogs of mine so they will know. Blogs might wind up being later than I want them to be in terms of when they are posted as long as these people are here. I’ll write notes about what happened if there are changes. The rotation that I have on Mondays will not be affected as long as I can help it. Sorry if things are confusing as a result.

Since I have started doing the Madam Secretary blog partly on Mondays, it will mean that I will not need to have a movie watching list on Tuesdays. This means that the movie list would move to Mondays to be against the show so I don’t have to worry about rolling shows then that would mess things up. The main reason that I’m telling you this, despite the fact that there has yet to be an official list on Tuesdays, is because I will be moving these movie updates there instead of here. They should move back here when the next season’s episodes and posts start.

The first act has Sherlock talking about a case involving a plane crash. I never like it when they talk about cases that we never wind up seeing. But at least that unimportant case was solved, for better or worse. Sherlock goes somewhere and there is a dead body there already. He knows who did it.

The second act has Sherlock’s team coming to investigate the death. There might be turf wars with a different agency that could cause problems. Someone gives balloons to Watson. I don’t get the whole thing that they are doing there except that it seems that they know where he might have been getting money from. Watson and Marcus talk to a person who knew Michael named William. Things didn’t go well with the meeting which is what Sherlock notices when they talk about it later. He thinks that he is responsible for the woman’s death. Michael shows up at the office, wanting to talk to Sherlock.

The third act has Michael claiming that he didn’t kill Rachel, but I can’t remember if she’s the victim from this episode or a different one entirely. I might have missed something due to a short break. It seems that Sherlock enjoys giving the details as to why he thinks people are linked. Sherlock does want to help him stop killing. He leaves and is allowed to by people. They must not have enough evidence to keep him. I don’t know who this new woman is, but I feel that she may be on Michael’s side.

Marcus and Watson talk to a new person about the case. Ray, the husband of William, had died in some way. But how does that relate to Michael? I’m not sure. Michael and Sherlock talk in a parking garage. Michael had a job somewhere that he was returning to. Watson gives Sherlock more information about what had happened while Sherlock is more focused on the main case.

Michael might have only been just an hour away this whole time. It’s like how long missing kidnapped victims are often found somewhat close to where they were taken from. Is Albany really just an hour away from New York? I don’t know for sure, but I thought it was further away. They do think that Michael killed Rachel. Marcus finds a dark room where it seems Michael might have been shopping for new victims at. Evidence in a photo proves that Michael didn’t kill Rachel. But could photo shop have happened and caused things to be different than they appeared?

The fourth act makes people question more of Michael’s possible motives. They don’t think that he would work with an accomplice. Sherlock hopes to find more information through William. Ray did not kill himself like people think he did. He needs to figure out what happened with all of the information that he has now gotten. Sherlock tries to figure out the case but can’t seem to find the usual link that he often can. A judge from earlier comes up again. She committed the murder of Rachel since she was having an affair with her husband. This could cause issues with the case against Michael and she winds up taking a plea.

Watson is at the house where Michael shows up and assaults her. She leaves the place to escape from him or, at least, tries to. He prevented the door from being opened to the outside of the place and she goes to safeguard herself somewhere else on the second floor. She grabs a weapon and goes to confront him. I can’t exactly find a good way to recap this. I think that he is gone now.

The fifth act has Watson at a hospital where she was treated after the attack. It appears that Michael might have been injured during this attack. Marcus thinks that he might have gotten out of the city. The person has been found. Someone killed him. But who would have done this and why? Watson seems to be the prime suspect. And is he really dead or did he fake his death?

On the next Elementary, might have someone making a mistake of some sort. Could Watson have gone into black out, killing Michael and not remembering it? Or is something else going on? Maybe there will be a recurring villain next season that this finale will introduce. I don’t yet know if the next blog post will be on a Monday or a Thursday as usual.

I’m also annoyed that they are airing this against the Emmys, but I probably am not interested enough to watch the Emmys, especially on a network that doesn’t come in for me as it is on NBC this time around. I guess we’ll see what happens and I’ll explain more of what will change and happen while this blog is on hiatus, if it is immediately or not. Expect some things to be different in the next post like they were the last time before it went on hiatus. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

Thursday, September 6, 2018

September 3rd 2018’s Episode

I don’t know if this season is winding down for sure or not. I think that it probably is as there cannot be much of it left as Bull is set to air in this timeslot before the month is over. I don’t think that they would air it some other time. It is hard to think that we are at twenty-one episodes already. And there will be another season at some point. Until then, enjoy this song about badgers.

SPOILER. Since there is a vacancy right now on the Supreme Court, it makes you wonder what I would want to say and know about it. If you google the word bork, that would explain what I want to happen to Brett Kavanaugh. He is too polarizing a figure and we haven’t had someone like that on the court since Antonin Scalia died. Spread the word to your senators: Bork Brett Kavanaugh. END SPOILER.

Mondays will now be confusing for blogs of mine. You see, since I finished doing regular updates of my CSI: Cyber blog on Mondays, it became open for weekly updates for my TV blog. And the only way that it would be open is if I rolled for and watched an episode of Survivor on a Monday. I then had to think of a solution in case updates of that blog were on Mondays and I rolled Survivor on Monday again.

Since I do not update more than one blog on a single day, this would mean changes for that blog and another blog. I considered my Madam Secretary blog to be next in line for updates as I do political posts in it during the summer or other times when I feel I should update the blog there if I can’t post about the most recent episode of that show.

Needless to say, I rolled Survivor on another Monday and thus things will now alternate between when I update my TV blog on one Monday and update my other TV blog on the next Monday. Thus, I will keep the alternations going until the last Monday of the month has a TV blog update at which point I will then consider it fulfilled and I will keep the Madam Secretary blog updated for the rest of the next month’s Mondays until it can be fulfilled (sort of) and updates probably stay there.

Of course, there could be another issue with this. What if I roll another Survivor episode on a Monday? Then what would I do? Well, that would depend right now on which blog was updated the previous Monday. If the TV blog were updated the previous Monday, then I’d update that one again before I would go back to normal alternations.

If the Madam Secretary blog were updated the previous Monday and this show’s season wasn’t over yet, I would put this blog on Mondays for that post although it would stay on Thursdays for when Mondays are otherwise occupied. Since the season should be winding down and ending soon, the updates might stop when the season does or I could find something else in this blog to update about until it can join the rotation and the rotation can end somewhere if it happens to fall on the last Monday of a month.

This would only happen as long as there is a season here to blog about. Otherwise, the post after the Madam Secretary blog is updated would go instead to my Good Wife blog which is updated still with cast updates and some other, random posts. If this blog were updated on a Monday, I don’t know what could go after it if the roll went that way and may have to start a new blog entirely in order to fill the gap of what could logically happen in my mind. A new blog would be about Bob’s Burgers. There are others that could work beyond that and I may have to blog about the rest of the NCIS franchise if I end up doing a blog about Hawaii Five-0, which I think would be the next in line. The same would be true of Arrowverse if I create a blog about Supergirl, which is also in line to be a potential blog.

The first act has flashbacks of things that I don’t remember. I hope that I didn’t miss something earlier, but I don’t think that I did. Watson is awoken by a strange person with a monitor of Sherlock’s head on his body. How long ago did these things happen? When did they announce that he was doing a cold case and who is this strange woman? A woman named Lily is missing and this man thinks that he’s going to be a suspect. But who is this man? I’m so confused. And are they ever getting back to Michael or not? Maybe he won’t show up again until next season.

The second act has this man talking about him being romantically interested in Lily. His name is Harlem, I think. Detectives come to his place to talk about Lily. They want him to come to the station. Watson then talks to a random woman about the case. She sees a man who is paid money to park places and sleep there in his car. That’s weird. Sherlock is annoyed that Harlem couldn’t make decisions regarding Lily and that is why he’s a suspect. A body is found of a man named James. Was this a kidnapper who is now dead?

Lily’s glasses are found at the scene. Sherlock finds an energy drink there and she seems to have been forced to do a math problem or some sort of research that could make her a murder victim once she has finished solving it.

The third act starts after barely a commercial break. Sherlock tells Harlem more about the case. There is a ransom demand that was made when they learned that her parents are rich. But they are more into her for the math problems. A man tells people about James. He was behind on his rent. Watson sees that there are ink stains from bingo cards.

The team then goes to a parlor where they talk to another suspect of some sort. Sherlock notices that some balls are missing and that the cards can be changed in such a way that results won’t happen. But there were other issues too with the case. There are some ways that Harlem could still be related to the case. Watson thinks that Sherlock is too hung up on Moriarty and that relates to the case. Harlem learns that Lily has escaped when she shows up at his place so he tells Sherlock about it.

The fourth act has Lily at the main office and she talks about the case in question. The math had related to Harlem’s work in some way. I didn’t quite understand how her escape happened. Lily shows them some of the work about how she wanted to create a potential flood range. Since it relates to real estate in some way, they think that flood insurance people might have been responsible. This one person has reason why he didn’t do it.

Harlem is glad that he finally told Lily about his feelings for her. They will wait until they she has a doctorate until they do more. Sherlock thinks that Moriarty might have been his best love, in his mind at least. Watson thinks that she knows who the kidnapper is.

The fifth act has the team bringing back a person from earlier who appears to have been the criminal of the episode. They go through the information that they have that could lead to him being convicted. Sherlock then talks to his hook-up from earlier about them potentially becoming an actual relationship. But will it happen? I guess we’ll see.

On the next Elementary, the penultimate episode of the season happens and it appears that Michael will finally make his long awaited (by at least me) return to the show or someone like him will show up on the show. I guess they don’t want to potentially spoil anything. I understand. I just don’t know why they can’t find something good to air. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.