Thursday, April 27, 2017

April 23rd 2017’s Episode

I’m borrowing someone else’s laptop to bring you this post. It would seem that my laptop should be available for use as normal starting from the next episode onward as planned. I don’t know why this wouldn’t be the case. I’ll tell you more of what’s happening in the next post. Let’s get to the episode at hand, shall we?

Today’s episode is brought to you by no delay. We begin with a recap of Marcus’s ongoing storyline regarding that one woman he is into. He thinks that he might be charged with things related to that. Watson wants to help with his problems. Sherlock is sort of shot by a person doing a magic trick. I love weird people (mostly because I’m one). Sherlock shows how the trick works. It relates to a case of some sort that’s going on. Was a bullet inhaled?

The second act has more investigation into the case at hand. It’s weird that we didn’t even see the murder. I don’t understand. We get to suspect number one and she gives information about how the victim used to work with her and he started using her tricks. She talked to a detective about this, which she tells Sherlock and Marcus about. Sherlock finds a person running an illegal card place. The dead magician was ripping off a single person in these games. Marcus and Watson talk to suspect number two. Sherlock is there too. The suspect says more about what happened and Sherlock thinks that the person who killed the magician also stole boxes.

The third act has Watson looking at what is considered to be the magician’s bible. I wonder if the atheists Penn and Teller would use one, if it exists in reality, that is. They text an eccentric person about what is going on and they find a flash drive in a fruit there. It reminds me of the ring in the nut in the egg in the lemon trick that I’ve seen. Maybe I’ll post of video of that in the next blog post.

Sherlock talks to suspect number three about the murder. Tommy is there with him. She (the suspect) talks about some of what is going on. She reveals that the book writer was an anagram for a still anonymous person. Sherlock uses playing cards to try to work further on the case. He finds some sort of information that I find very confusing. More of the book is discussed and it seems that the killer/arsonist wants to keep the writer of the book a secret.

The fourth act has even more of the case investigated as they go to the publisher of the book and he is suspect number four. It turns out that he is the grandson of the author of the book and he says what is going on with it. The team reveals their information relating to the case at hand, but he feels that the sales of the book would have spiked if the true author’s identity was revealed. Quickly, we get to suspect number five and they talk about an auction that the murder victim won. Marcus talks more to the person that I think he is trying to date who still has ongoing problems with an abusive person. She reveals what is going on and Marcus learns what he can in order to help with it. Sherlock reveals that he knows who killed the victim. Of course, this leads to the next commercial break.

The fifth act goes back to suspect four and reveals some information that shows that a Nazi was the person who wrote the book. They believe that suspect four is the actual killer and present their theory as to why that would be. Watson and Tommy talk to someone relating to the ongoing subplot regarding Marcus and his girlfriend? They offer him a way out of the deal and Marcus learns that the thing is possibly over depending on how this episode ends. He goes into her apartment with music playing. Of course, that means that she’s murdered.

On the next Elementary, Sherlock thinks that Marcus wants to avenge her death. I can’t make out many more details regarding what else is going on so I’ll just have to wait until I see the next episode to find out what happens. It was a good setup for the next episode, I’ll admit. I should be back with the next update from my own laptop as planned next week. If not, then they’ll be a reckoning with the ongoing issue with my laptop. I should explain more in the next post. Nothing too bad is going on, but I do feel that someone could be blamed if I’m not able to use it sometime later this week. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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