Sunday, April 2, 2017

November 27th 2016’s Episode

Why is a new episode right after Thanksgiving? Remember last year when a new episode of this show was aired on Thanksgiving itself? When will TV know that there are just certain times that you shouldn’t air new shows? Well, I was able to make it home in time for some of the episode, but not all of it, due to my unusual thing I do happening once again. I’m hoping that I am able to watch other episodes and I probably will be since Quantico is going on hiatus soon. ABC may be strange by putting its good dramas on winter hiatuses season after season, but it gives us a break from some shows and the ability to watch other things that they air instead.

There are actually multiple books that I’m reading right now. The main group of them that I’m trying to read right now consists of five books. Deadly Heat by Richard Castle (ghostwritten) is one of the books. Since Castle ended, I’m trying to rotate through all these books by reading one of them on Monday. This book started the read on Mondays rule. I rotate through the books in a certain order where whatever is on top is then read and moved to the bottom in favor of the next book. Anyways, Deadly Heat isn’t as good or interesting as I would want it to be. I’ve been reading that since 2014 after my sister lent me her copy of that. She had lent me the eighth Harry Potter book too at one point, but that wasn't in this rotation.

The next book in line is the second book of the Sentinels series. This may be the first time that I actually got a book because I knew the author of it first. This book is the most recent addition to the rotation of mine, added in 2016. The next book in line is Lights! Camera! Fiction! This book is to help the aspiring script writer, namely me. It is the only book that has been taken away from the rotation for extend periods of time as I have to watch a certain movie before I can finish watching it. This is the oldest of the five books in the rotation in terms of how long I’ve been reading it compared to the others.

The next book is line is Amazonia by James Rollins. I love James Rollins and this is probably my favorite of the five in the rotation as it is the easiest to read due to the action and suspense. I also think that this is the one that I’m the farthest in at the moment. I’ve been reading this since around when I got it as a birthday present back in 2012. The last book in the rotation is the Silmarilon by J. R. R. Tolkien. Some people want this as a movie. I do not like the book that much. This is probably the slowest read of all of the books in my rotation. This is not the same great Tolkien that we are used to.

Today’s episode is brought to you by 49 minute delay. We begin with Watson getting a note from Sherlock. Someone shows up at their apartment looking for Sherlock. Why do Watson and Sherlock live together? I’ve always found that to be strange. It appears that Sherlock is skipping out on meetings he’s supposed to attend. There is a strange murder that has happened regarding someone who was eaten or something strange like that.

The second act has Sherlock, Watson, and Marcus at the autopsy place. A poisoned sausage is the cause of death and a person was what the sausage was made out of. Watson notices that Sherlock is with a bunch of musicians at a park. Watson and Marcus talk to a person about the case as they try to figure out who one of the victims is.

The third act has Sherlock and Marcus investigating the meat industry. We get to people in a lab and people talk about the case. Joaquin is identified as the victim. Brendan, who I will refer to as the Dollhouse guy at times, is a person at the lab who they talk to briefly. Watson reveals that she knows that Sherlock hasn’t been going to his meetings. He knows that she followed him to the park. Sherlock thinks that he’s smarter than everyone else. He then makes different meat. There is more information revealed about the case as Sherlock learns more about it. The suspect reveals information about the case that she didn’t do, even though she did other, unrelated murders.

It was around the 10:30 mark when I start watching. There are commercials still so I basically start watching from the next point forward. Marcus talks about the case at hand and believes that some work may have been doctored. Who is Marcus talking to? Is it Tommy that he’s talking to? Anyways, Sherlock talks to the person who fudged the data. Wasn’t he Topher on Dollhouse? I love Dollhouse! I recommend that people watch that show. They talk more about the meat that was poisoned.

Once again, Sherlock frightens Watson with something unusual when she wakes up. Apparently there are three types of meat in a way. There is some sort of relation to Kosher. My aunt married a Jewish person so maybe I should ask her more about Kosher. I don’t fully understand it or why the non orthodox Jews would be bound by that. The character that the Dollhouse alumni plays says that he didn’t kill Joaquin, the victim. But Sherlock and company think otherwise.

The next act has more of the case as they look for who pushed someone down the stairs. Watson is frustrated that they haven’t been able to solve this case with stupid people as the criminals as they have solved other cases with smarter criminals. Although, lawyers tell me that all criminals are stupid. The two main suspects are confronted by Sherlock and Watson. Brendan (the Dollhouse guy) may get the harder punishment even if he was the lesser of the two conspirators. But, it appears that the CEO gets charged with the biggest crime after all.

Sherlock then goes to his recovery meeting. Have other versions of Sherlock Holmes had drug problems? There are no scenes from next time as they air a promo for Survivor instead and, in recent memory, this is the longest that I have gone without seeing the most recent Survivor episode. There were tons of problems that prevented me from seeing it live and I still haven’t seen it yet. Hopefully I’ll have time to watch that pretty soon. As for this show, I’ll be back whenever with the next episode. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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