Thursday, April 13, 2017

March 5th 2017’s Episode

Sorry for forgetting to add on an introduction to the last blog post. It would have explained how the Sunday updates are over and I'm going back to the Thursday updates for the foreseeable future. Typically, I would want it to be an update on the episode that had aired the previous Sunday. If you didn't know by now, the episode that they planned to air last Sunday didn't end up airing at the Masters ran an hour late which delayed all the other programming and preempted this show. In the event that I'm not able to blog about the most recent episode, then I would have to go back and add on from the episodes that aired during Lent that you have not yet seen. I will go with the oldest one that isn't yet posted. Keep in mind, I will not post my thoughts on the season finale until the other episodes from this season have aired. So, let's get started with the actual blog post.

My movie updates are going to be confusing if they are out of order in the future. This should be the post that solves any confusion potentially starting here in case you were wondering how different movies wound up on the list or if more choices were added entirely. I don’t know what will be happening regarding March Madness, but that could put more of these episodes on tape. I just know that we’ll see what happens each year as it happens. There was at least one movie I was wanting to rent, provided that I can find it and have time to watch it. That, and I’ll be wanting to add new movie lists for more than just Saturdays and Sundays. What are these updates? Well, let’s see.

The first weekend, I’m able to watch Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Now, while I normally don’t like seeing the same movie twice in a year, I am planning on watching all seven main Star Wars movies again this year. I just have to borrow them from my brother first. Speaking of borrowing movies, a friend lent me Prometheus to watch sometime, so that will replace Star Wars on the list. Meanwhile, I’m borrowing another movie series from my brother to rewatch that isn’t on my list just yet. As for Sunday, I watch The Treasure of the Sierra Madre with commentary, having previously watched it normally. Now, let’s go into a history of my movie watching lists before I mention its replacement.

I’m not going to start at the very beginning as that would take too long. It was two years ago that I received from my aunt and uncle a box of various movies on DVD as a birthday gift during the summer. This affected all of my movie watching lists. At the time, I had two lists: one on Saturday and one on Sunday. I didn’t know how all of these movies would affect the next lists considering how I already had a bunch of movies that I could watch. There was also the complication of underlined choices which are choices that, for one reason or another, I want to watch again. Also, since I normally don’t want to watch the same movie twice in one year, this created a whole potential of underlined choices for the beginning of 2016. Ultimately, I had finished watching all of my Christmas movies on time in December, so I was unsure of how to move forward at the beginning of the year.

I ultimately decided that I would add a new list for Friday at the beginning of the year that mostly contained underlined choices I had been unable to add the previous year. I also made it so that only five underlined choices would appear on the list of replacement choices. I had also crossed out, for the moment, any choices that weren’t their old movies unless they were unlined or there were no replacements under the rules that I used. During this time, I moved Friday’s list to first Thursday then Wednesday so that it would be at the same time as updates to my Survivor blog. Thus, I was able to juggle these three lists between the other choices without much confusion. By the time summer shows started, I had time on a Friday to watch movies due to the lack of shows on that particular Friday night. So I used the declining list of underlined choices to add on Friday. The lists continued to be done and I finally had it so that only one of their movies wasn’t watched yet so I underlined it and finally added any and all choices that I couldn’t have added before to the options. This was a lot of movies to watch again.

Regardless of their being a bunch of new options available, I wound up having to get rid of old lists as I wasn’t able to replace them using the rules that I use. Getting rid of a list isn’t as easy as adding one and it involves moving the old choices to other lists. I got rid of Sunday’s list and dissolved it while moving Wednesday’s old list to Sunday in its place, no longer needing a movie option when I planned on doing Survivor blog updates. It wasn’t long after Sunday’s first dissolved list was fully moved to the other days when the current Sunday list also got dissolved. I moved Friday’s old list to Sunday in its stead and worked on dissolving Sunday’s second list. There is still one movie left to transfer that I’m currently unable to move just yet. Once it is moved, I have a lot of movies to add and plan on creating new lists for them all.

Stuff that was on the second dissolved Sunday list were Indiana Jones, that wound up on Saturday’s list, and The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, which can only be moved once either Hancock is removed from Saturday’s list or The Hobbit series is removed from Sunday’s list. With Sunday’s list, it has the original Friday choices of The Hobbit and Back to the Secret Garden on it. It also has the options from Sunday’s first dissolved list of Front of the Class and, now formerly, The Treasure of the Sierra Madre. Only the Treasure of the Sierra Madre is now replaced by Vantage Point, the only choice of my aunt and uncle’s old movies that hasn’t been added to a list yet. The other choices on Sunday’s current list are movies that have replaced old choices.

A show called Training Day is airing in this show’s old timeslot. I saw the first episode, but won’t be watching it again. Now an interesting thing happened with it. The lead of the show died. He filmed all of his appearances in it for all of this season before his death. The show is lowly rated and was leaning towards cancellation before his death. Now, while they might be more likely to air all of these episodes, I don’t see them renewing the series without him.

There might not be many or any updates regarding the five books in the rotation that I’m reading. (There are two others, outside of the rotation, that I’m also reading. But I won’t tell you much, if any, about them.) There is a change to the reading rotation. A book in it, Lights, Camera, Fiction, is being taken out of the rotation for now. I have to see a movie before starting a new chapter so I am setting it aside for that reason until I can watch a certain movie.

Now, as for the next weekend, I watched Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. I originally had the first three movies on VHS tape and the last on DVD. One of the movies I got from my aunt and uncle was Raiders of the Lost Ark. I decided to get the other two Indiana Jones movies on DVD and I have gone a long time between rolling the choices. Indeed, Indiana Jones was the choice that was the longest on what was once Wednesday’s list as it was one of the items originally on it when it was first added. This is over a year later and I just now am watching this DVD for the first time having finally taken it out from its packaging.

The next day might be crazy and I have family planning to visit soon. And I roll one of the Lord of the Rings movies: The Fellowship of the Ring. I guess that if I don’t finish it before they come, then I’ll hopefully get it done once they leave. I also hope that I’m able to watch or record this at a good time, but I might have to watch it later online.

It turns out that my family didn’t arrive until Monday and they stayed until Friday. This made me glad that I had already decided to delay this episode being posted in the blog. I just hope that you are glad that older episodes are finally posted before I get back to this one. I would not have been able to post this on the Thursday in question because I hadn’t been able to see it that quickly. I also might not have posted another blog that day after all and, indeed, had scheduled preplanned posts for other blogs ahead of time so I wouldn’t have to worry about them. Hopefully things are back on track in the future as I don’t even know when you will be seeing this post yet.

Today’s episode is brought to you by no delay. We begin with a recap of Kitty who was on this show back in the third? season. She returns at the burial of a person whom she believes was murdered. Sherlock wants Marcus to get some sort of evidence or confession from a suspect regarding what seems to be an unrelated murder.

The second act has some of what Kitty has been doing the past two years revealed: she was helping victims of human trafficking. What we don’t know is if she will be charged with the assault or whatever thing she did to that one victim from earlier. She talks to Tommy who is glad to see her. Only she is mostly antisocial this time around. She gives theories as to why she thought that three deaths were actually murders. Sherlock talks to a sociopath in a wheelchair. One of the potential victims had two shoes that were tied differently when he was found dead. The newest dead person was found to have his grave plot dug out and then burnt relentlessly, thus making it difficult to prove that the cause of death could be changed if wrong.

The third act has more of the burnt corpse. Watson and Kitty feel that the ME did a bad job while the ME appears to have thought that she didn’t need to do that good a job when the victim had all the heart problems that he did. Watson follows Kitty to her apartment or wherever she is staying and gets attacked by someone who turns out to be the nanny of a baby.

The fourth act continues this mostly confusing episode. Kitty explains to Watson the story of her son. She wants to tell Sherlock about it, but he gets called away to a meeting. The ME from earlier is brought into the police headquarters and questioned. It also appears as if the wheelchair guy whose name I can’t remember has killed someone for sure.

The fifth act clarifies things for me. The wheelchair guy was the victim who fell onto a car, not the person who might have been doing the killing. Sherlock and his team wonder how they are so wrong about things. The team does learn based on evidence that it’s unlikely that this guy killed himself. There are now four victims of strange crimes. When Sherlock gets back to where he lives, he is arrested.

On the next Elementary, a rogue killer is after Sherlock. It looks like a lot of interesting things are happening. What could wind up happening next? I guess that I will have to wait until next time to find out for sure. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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