Sunday, July 1, 2018

June 25th 2018’s Episode

If you are a true fan of Sherlock Holmes, then you might know many details about Sherlock that I would not know. He might have used marijuana in the original books. Something that I like about this show is that it shows the negative side of drug use and why people shouldn’t use it. So many shows always make it seem like pot is a good thing or at least very humorous thing. I’ll never understand the push to legalize it. Keep it illegal.

The last time I told you about my movie watching, I had four lists with six options each. Well, it then went down to three lists, then two lists, then one list of six choices, then one list of three choices, then one list of two choices, then one list of three choices, then one list of six choices. I have decided to tell you about the movie watching lists from this point forward. The list currently has the following choices on it: Aladdin, Celtic Woman: Songs from the Heart, home videos, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, and The Treasure of the Sierra Madre.

Well, I had wanted to watch this episode and blog about it on Friday, but I had to be at work at a certain time and it took a whole lot longer than I was wanting it to in order to get all of it done. Besides, I might have given a different blog priority than anyways. Also, I have not had the time to find the Sandman song that I was wanting to share, so enjoy this video of a sneezing panda. I’ll explain more about why I am sharing it in the next post. Sorry that this post is as late as it is, but it should be the only one of this season that won’t be posted on a Thursday.

The first act begins with Sherlock in a car with some seemingly random person. He goes on one of his random trivia spiels. He and Donald Mallard MD would be good friends. This man wants Sherlock to steal a lot of money. There are then random people making out somewhere when rats show up and lead them to a dead body.

The second act has Marcus and Watson investigating the death. They then talk to interviewee #1. She talks about the suspect, who was a professor of some sort. I don’t know if this works with the whole time frame of the show, but I guess that it makes sense in some way as taking place any time. It seems that drugs relate to the case. Marcus and Tommy talk to interviewee #2, who is probably a drug dealer but probably didn’t do much worse than that. This interviewee thinks that research could have lead to this death happening.

Sherlock is then back with the possible car salesman who I might as well just say is shady individual Sherlock knows number x as I have no idea just how many of these people there are. All this person wants is his money back. Sherlock tells Watson about this man. I think that I need a name for this person to know for sure who he is. A person at a dog kennel gets distracted by fireworks or something of a similar nature and a person is able to make off with evidence as a result.

The third act has this man becoming interviewee #3. Sherlock thinks that a woman is behind the whole distraction. Is this interviewee #1? No. It is interviewee #4, a new person not seen before in this episode. She admits to stealing the rats because they are worth a lot of money. There might be a cure for aging that she was trying to find through the rats. Who would want a cure for aging? I wouldn’t. As bad as death always is, there is probably some sort of upside to it in the end. Think about anyone who know that has died and see if you know what good could have happened because of it.

Sherlock talks about his brother. I don’t remember much about him or why Sherlock would have issues with him. I used to have problems with my brother a long time ago. Now we are good friends. I have no idea what changed. Maybe I just hadn’t caught up in terms of maturity yet. Sherlock’s brother had a price on his head, but it seems that everyone who wanted this brother dead is now dead themselves. Sherlock didn’t learn this from his brother.

Watson then talks to interviewee #5 who knows more of the information about the case and gives them a lead of where to go. A new person is dead. If they were from earlier in the episode, I can’t tell for sure right now. Sherlock notices that there is paint and Watson notices that there is blood as well. A girl named Lacey is the suspect now.

The fourth act has Marcus talking to Lacey. Marcus doesn’t think that she did it. She was selling her blood to this newly dead person. This is one of those weird, possibly crazy, vampire like things, only it is something that I do, sadly, believe would actually happen in reality. Even if it is 100% done by only those willing to do this, I still worry that it could cause problems with potential willingness for it to no longer be done legally. Sherlock talks to this possible friend from earlier and wants to give this person money. I do not understand this at all.

Watson thinks that this all relates to burrito land in some way. I must have missed the part that talked about this. Hugo then becomes interviewee #7. Hugo probably didn’t do the crime or any other crime, even though he didn’t like what was going on. Sherlock talks to the strange person from earlier. But it seems that the situation is being sorted out somehow. Will Sherlock reconnect with his brother? All I know is that Sherlock’s father is appearing in the next episode tomorrow. Watson thinks that a person has the motive, but someone else used it instead of them. Sherlock lets Watson sleep in normally for the first time I remember. Sherlock thinks that a person who might have sabotaged the prize was also an organizer of the same prize.

The fifth act has more of the motive that Hugo mentioned against the whole blood trading thing or whatever it is called (do I want to know?) lead to Hunter as the possible suspect. Who was that? It turns out that he needed the money and would have kept it if no one wins the prize. I think that Hunter is interviewee #5 and a person that I called interviewee #3 is the suspect. Actually, no. I got the two of them flipped. Interviewee #3 is Hunter and guilty while interviewee #5 is okay. Sherlock learns that his brother is more than likely dead as we end the episode.

I won’t be able to see scenes from next time, but I have seen some of the promos for the next episode and know that Sherlock’s father is returning in it. Unless otherwise noted, posts will be back as normal for the future on Thursdays after the episode aired until the season finale happened. I hope that I can be kept up to date better in the future with who is named what in which episodes since it is confusing for everyone to try to keep track of things without actual names known well. Did that make sense? I do wonder if like sand mining, I can figure out what this main focus on the episode was. But this time, I do not really want to know much about it. Anyways, this is all for now. This is Adam Decker, signing off.

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