Thursday, August 30, 2018

August 27th 2018’s Episode

There are many things to talk about in this post relating to this show, or at least, this blog. But I said that I will share animal songs in this blog and I will. I’ll get to more of the other things that I want to mention later in this post. For now, enjoy one of my favorite newer songs about Fireflies.

Something that the disguises that the two women has on in the last episode made me think of part of the Steve Martin movie: The Pink Panther. Basically, his character and an associate were able to help go through a place due to things that they wore. Sorry that this isn’t an English version as I didn’t look long to find one and just went with the first thing that I think was right.

SPOILER! Here are the Wisconsin senate primary results. Tammy Baldwin won Democratic primary. She had an opponent at one point, but not when it came time for the primary. Leah Vukmir ended up with the win of the Republican primary. There are some independents as write-ins, but I don’t think that they will do much in terms of the election. Leah is who I wanted to win the primary on her side, but I have yet to see if she would be a good choice in the general election or not. END SPOILER.

Movie update: Catch me if You Can was watched on Saturday and is now Déjà Vu. A home video was watched and it remains on the list to be watched later. If I do wind up being able to create a third list of movies to watch, it would be on Fridays. I don’t yet know if I will continue these movie updates in a blog that’s not this one this time around.

There were some parallels this season with what Riverdale also did this season. They had a villain known as the Black Hood show up. For the middle part of the season, he wasn’t part of the show as he was thought to be dead as one of the people using that identity was dead. Michael is kind of like that, only his real identity wasn’t a mystery to us or anyone else for that matter.

Something that I’ve noticed this season is that the airing dates of some of the earliest episodes of this season were exactly the one year anniversary of when the previous season’s episodes had aired. This works as it was on Sundays last season and Mondays on this season. I have no idea just how little this would have happened in any other show.

I hadn’t really given my thoughts on Michael’s return yet, so here they are. I think that I liked the way that they brought him back for the most part. He was going to come back at some point. I just hope that he continues to be a good villain.

John Nobel from this show was on Salvation’s most recent episode. I still don’t know if I should have done a blog about it or not. Since when I would post that blog could be a bit confusing if I had done that, then I should be glad that I haven’t done it. Plus, I don’t know what I would have done with it when the show isn’t on. Maybe I just would have put nothing in its place. That’s what I did with this blog when it had been on hiatus. And I’ll do it again too.

The first act has Sherlock directing some sort of music thing or appears to be at least. It is preparation of some sort that is interrupted by a phone call from Watson. Mr. Horovich comes over about a matter of life and death. This is a new character, I think. This person had written obituaries of people who had died before they had died with accurate details of how they would die. He predicted three people’s deaths so far and Sherlock is another predicted death.

The second act has more of David Harrowvich or whatever his last name is after Sherlock abandoned the thing Watson wanted him to do. Would someone gun down Sherlock on the street? David shows him the basement of this person’s place. What is the difference between reality and virtual reality? Do the people in video games cause potential issues for people?

There is a person from a previous case that they bring up. It is Mr. Baskerville. I need to read The Hound of the Baskervilles when this show is over to do a review of it for this blog. I’ve never had to do a book report for school so this might give me the practice I need to do it.

Sherlock thinks that someone, possibly an Atheist, wants to kill people in order to prove this theory and disprove God. You can’t disprove God. Prayer proves he exists. Sherlock is certain that the three people who died thus far are all murder victims. Mr. Baskerville might know who the intended victims are. He has written a long and lengthy will. Mine have never been that long. And all I have to do is get a notary involved and I don’t have to mess with lawyers. I need to work on my annual will. Maybe I should do that when this show is over.

Sherlock’s account has been drained. Did he only have one or are all of them drained? He is not shocked by this for some reason. They talk to a relative of victim #3 of this episode and let him know that they think she was killed. Watson and Marcus go to the roof and it doesn’t seem like there is much up there. They have tape of her death and don’t see any foul play which makes Marcus think that there could be something to the theory of clairvoyance.

The third act has Sherlock rewatching the footage with him thinking that a sonic cannon might have caused the death, only it is unlikely. David calls and the news was somehow tipped off into what had happened. Perhaps a friend of the so called psychic was an accomplice who helped kill these people. Sherlock talks to a news person and she gives information. Marcus and Tommy find a website that had leaked the information about the dead people.

I wonder if it’s possible that Michael is behind this. I do not think that he is, but he could be or had hired someone. Sherlock has gotten an update on his money or something weird like that. Henry Baskerville shows up again with some sort of information. A person tried to hang himself. This seems to have been to avoid a worse death.

The fourth act is when they talk to the person in the hospital and they think he was the killer. He says that he didn’t do it and might know who did. I don’t understand the pirate gold that Sherlock has now. Watson thinks that a page is missing because none of the predictions on it came true.

Henry caused a person to cause a false alarm because of a potential terrorist plot there. Didn’t that already happen? And wasn’t Alex Parrish falsely charged with it? I remember seeing this three years ago. I guess that the show is not on sync with the other one. David is now a suspect for some reason. He made them do some sort of thing that caused more problems.

The fifth act has Marcus talking to Tommy like they normally do. The side characters have to stay with what they normally do. I don’t fully understand what is going on. Maybe it is poor audio quality and the fact that I didn’t turn on subtitles. Watson found a picture that got the information he needed. A tree had given the information that they needed to find out how the crimes were committed: there was a part of the tree that made people highly subject to the power of suggestion. How that got them to where they were, I think I missed. It can be hard to stay fully focused when I’m writing this. I do wonder if I should live tweet an episode of this in the future. At the moment, I won’t. But I do need to get on to spread a current event hashtag I want to start. Edward F Dolan was an important person who worked on the show, but I don’t know who he is.

On the next Elementary, Sherlock once again wakes up Watson in a weird way with a thing on his or someone else’s face. That’s a stupid promo! I hope that they can do something better in the future. It is possible that they don’t want to spoil anything major. I just hope that they can get Michael back before the end of the season. When will the season end? It will have to end sometime next month. Know that it is possible that the when of when this blog is posted could change soon. I don’t yet know if the change will happen or be long term. Just have a heads up that it might be on a Monday in the future. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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