Friday, June 14, 2019

June 6th 2019’s Episode

So many people know of a children’s entertainment channel called School House Rock. They did a lot of educational songs. The ones that I’m most familiar with are the Multiplication Rock. I had a computer game as a child that had two disks on it related to School House Rock. One was full of arcade based games that never kept track of the high score. The other was the more main game where the final part of the game had you taking a tour bus through a game challenge.

The main mascot of the game was Lucky Seven Sampson from the song of the same name. Various other characters from Multiplication Rock show up as well in games that must be completed to get to the game at the end. It had the superhero from My Hero Zero, maybe the kid and father from Elementary, My Dear, the magician from Three is the Magic Number, the farmer from Ready or Not, Here I Come, the skater from Figure 8, the cat and mouse from Naughty Number Nine, and the alien from Little Twelve Toes. Since this is the third episode of the season, enjoy Three is the Magic Number, my favorite of all of the songs from this series and perhaps the most memorable.

As you might have guessed by now, I’m going to get to a CSI: Miami theme song. Which season? Well, I’m going to get to the third season’s one in this post. Maybe it will make more sense why I’m sharing them after I start doing the cast updates of this show, if I do them at all, that is. I wouldn’t think that I would not do them, but I’d have to see what happens on the show first. Enjoy the theme song and I will get to the recap of the episode next.

The first act has Sherlock talking with the head of the New York field office. He requested this man since he had dealings with Morland Holmes. Sherlock talks about all of the issues with the case that he had confessed too. We switch to a man who goes on a rant over a damaged art piece. It turns out that a man named Virgil was under this piece of art, dead.

The second act has Sherlock looking into the case. Did he really get out that easily? I guess that he did. Or maybe he didn’t. The surveillance system was shut off and Sherlock looks throughout this place as he finds a tooth that proves that Virgil was killed and moved under the artwork in order to make it looked staged like an accident. He moves stuff back into his old house. He also explains to Watson about why he did what he did. The team travels to where a man has random artwork. He was the victim of a break in, but it appears that nothing was stolen.

Marcus figured out that Sherlock was here in the US and meets up with him. Marcus knew the whole time that Sherlock was back here. Virgil was looking for information when he had turned off the system of security. The team realizes that since Virgil was collecting blackmail, one of his victims could be his killer. But who did it?

The third act has a captain from another squad coming in and working both places. There are a lot of people that are suspects in this case. Sherlock tells them about who is the most likely suspect in the case of who killed Virgil. They talk to a man who gives valuable information about the case. The looted items are still in the country and are protected by an agreement that gave another suspect no reason to kill Virgil. Sherlock wants to talk to a foreign dignitary about the case. She pulled out of a deal. There was a land disagreement between Ethiopia and another place.

The fourth act has the team talking to the dignitary about the issues in the case. The case seems to all rely on issues with artwork. They talk to the main person from earlier who might have been partners in crime with Virgil. But it once again doesn’t point back to him. Sherlock talks about wanting to stay in the US if things work out well while potentially working for Scotland Yard as well. Eric (who is that?) might have been the main suspect in the case.

The fifth act has Eric who was twice cleared as the main suspect in the case. Galvin was a hit man who had killed Gwen. Who is Gwen? I think that I am missing too much in this. A man starts shooting at Eric. This leads Eric to turning himself in. It was a friend of Sherlock who had done this. Sherlock talks to a man who seems to be blackmailing Sherlock in some way. I think this was the police chief from earlier. I do not get this just yet. Hopefully, things will be back to normal starting in the next post. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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