Thursday, June 13, 2019

May 30th 2019’s Episode

Now that the trip that I was on was over, I can finally start getting caught up on these blog posts. I did have other stuff that I wanted to talk about in this introduction, but I think that I will wait until a future one to tackle all that I need to. I wonder if a new episode of this show will air on July 4th or not. I would not care if it did as I normally don’t do anything major on that day. I guess we’ll see. I might be busy with all the other blogs I’ll need to post and may even be starting a new blog this Sunday. Expect a post in this blog the next two days until I’m caught up.

SPOILER. This isn’t a real spoiler as I’m instead spending this time talking about the Kentucky governor race of 2019. Matt Bevin is currently the most hated US governor. Like so many before him, he still went on to win the Republican primary for governor. Meanwhile, Andy Beshear won the Democratic primary. I will have to do more research into Andy to see if I’ll support him in the future. I don’t know if I should believe any negative ads about Andy as Republicans tend to make stuff up, based on what I saw in the last election cycle. We’ll see what happens. END SPOILER.

There were various animal videos that I was sharing before and I’m sharing one last one for now. Here is one called Crabs. I don’t think that there are other animal related videos that I’ll want to share for a bit. I have a new theme of songs to share instead. I’ll explain at the beginning of next post.

With each new post, I’m sharing CSI: Miami video of a season’s theme song. This post, I’m sharing the one of season 2. I don’t know if there are some seasons that have more than one version of a theme song or not. It is possible that some do. I guess that I’ll find out in good time. Here’s a link to this.

I thought that it would be easy to catch up on this show later online. Sadly, I had difficultly watching this online. CBS just went from having the best website of watching shows online to the worst. My main laptop does not have an updated enough browser to play shows on it anymore due to what this site now wants players to have. I wasn’t able to update it at all as updates for this laptop stopped a while ago. Now I have a newer laptop that I thought would work well, but I still needed to download google chrome on it instead of being able to use internet explorer edge. There were still some more of the whole glitches with it while I watched, but was able to see this and the next episode. Now let’s get to the review of this show so I don’t waste more time complaining about various things.

The first act has what must be a flashback of two punks finding Tommy after he was shot. This one man then comes and talks to Marcus. Watson randomly shows up there in the US. Sherlock will do what he can from London, according to Watson. But he is here in the US.

The second act has Sherlock and Watson talking about the case at hand. Sherlock knows that he is taking a risk by doing this. Tommy’s wife talks to Watson at the hospital. Sherlock tries to reenact the crime scene in front of the man from earlier. He finds that the route that Tommy took was different than he thought that it should be. He tells Watson about this and they try to piece together why he was on the route that he was. Through this, they find a ball park where the shooting occurred. While looking at the crime scene more closely, they find a dead body.

The third act has Marcus and Watson getting information about the case in question. The man had been missing for a while. How long has he been dead? Sherlock and Watson talk to the dead man’s (Tim’s) mother (Elyse) where she gives information about the case. Her ex-husband talks about the case. He is seen as a potential suspect by Marcus. He then talks to a man named Patrick and other suspects. Tim seems to have had violent tendencies.

Marcus talks about a potential suspect in Tim’s murder which they hope leads to solving Tommy’s case at hand. When they talk to the suspect, he points out that he is innocent and hated Tim over a car theft. They find a ticket to a ferry that was planned to be used for a bombing. The plot of this episode is giving me Déjà Vu. (Watch that movie; you’ll understand what I mean.)

The fourth act has Watson talking to Marcus about the planned bombing. They talk to Elyse again over the planned bombing. She reveals that her credit card was stolen and had strange charges on it. We then see Sherlock talking to Tommy. His wife hears some of this conversation. Watson gets security footage of when Tim was taken. This leads Marcus leading police to arrest Patrick.

The fifth act has Patrick confessing to the crime of killing Tim. Tommy was able to learn some of the information relating to this case. His confession does not tie into the planned terrorist attack. Sherlock thinks that Tim is part of a larger terrorist cell. Sherlock tells Watson to continue working cases here while he returns to London to help with cases there. He looks through the information he knows thus far in the case. Sherlock tells police who he is and turns himself in. Let’s see what happens in the next episode. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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